Forever Living Product Code

# 520


$ 57.65

12 bars per box

About This Product

– Delicious Peanut and Butter Crunch Flavor
– 11 grams of protein
– 0 trans fat and 0 cholesterol

Your Favorite Formula has been updated and made much better with a cut down in sugar and addition of more fiber, and a consistency in the delicious flavor.

Fiber, which is an essential key for health maintenance and also to keep your tummy feel full for a long time, and 11 grams of protein, makes these bars completely filling and a perfect meal replacement in a hectic schedule. Also when you need the extra boost of energy, these bars in your bag are a quick and perfect solution.

Directions For Usage

Replace no more than two meals daily with Forever Fast Break Energy Bars. A third, well-balanced meal should be eaten. Fast Break bars can help control weight as part of a caloric-controlled diet and exercise program.

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